What is Positive Behaviour Support?

Over the last three decades, Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) has increasingly become the model of choice in supporting people whose behaviour poses challenges to services.
PBS is an evidence based, person-centred framework for developing an understanding that all behaviour happens for a reason.
People with learning disabilities and neurological conditions such as Autism, Sensory and Communication difficulties often use their behaviour to communicate distress, unmet needs, sensory integration problems and anxiety. It is very important that everyone caring for the individual whether it be a child, young person or adult are equipped with the right skills and knowledge to support people who might challenge services and we have tools that can help.

What are the aims of Positive Behaviour Support?
PBS, aims to enhance quality of life for the person and for those who support them. It is values-based, recognising each person’s individuality and their human rights, a rejection of aversive and restrictive practices, and an acceptance that behaviours which challenge develop to serve an important function for people.
Our volunteers are trained by BILD (British Institute of Learning Disabilities) and have completed the BILD PBS Coaches Programme.
The Centre for the Advancement of PBS at BILD have created an animation that gives an overview of PBS and how PBS approaches work in practice when supporting an individual.